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Custom Modules

Custom Modules

What is a module?

Essentially a module is like a separate program added to your website. It works in perfect harmony with the platform but adds extra value to your website, to users' experience, to employee experience (in the admin panel).
Usually, an open-source platform like Opencart (the platform we are working with) comes with a few standard modules in place. Well, these modules are often not enough for the needs of our customers. So we can search the marketplace for a module with the functionalities you need. If we can find one, great! We can buy it for you, install it, set it up, test it and finally if it's still not enough functionalities, we can add them to the module by modifying it.

Why do you need custom modules?

Custom modules are needed to enhance your website. Say, for example, you want to add a quick order form to your website product page, which means the user likes the product and wants to buy it immediately. What are the benefits of this type of module?

  • 1. The user will skip the cart page
  • 2. The user will also skip the checkout process on the checkout page.
  • 3. It will simply add a few details about himself and click BUY NOW.
  • 3. Faster order processing.

And this is just one of the examples of custom module. The benefits are endless.

Check out our modules HERE. If some of them suit your needs but not entirely, we can easily modify them for you.

As we love to say,
"Let's walk this path together."

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